The Express
Set against the backdrop of the civil rights movement, this film chronicles the inspiring true story of Ernie Davis, the first African American to win the Heisman Trophy. Directed by Gary Fleder, the movie stars Rob Brown as Davis and Dennis Quaid as his coach, Ben Schwartzwalder. The narrative delves into Davis’s journey from a young athlete to a college football legend, highlighting the challenges he faced both on and off the field. While the film did not receive major awards, it is noted for its compelling portrayal of perseverance and courage. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 16
Genre: Biography, Drama, Sport
Director: Gary Fleder
Actors: Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor, Charles S. Dutton, Darrin Henson, Dennis Quaid, Justin Jones, Justin Martin, Nelsan Ellis, Nicole Beharie, Omar Benson Miller, Rob Brown, Ντένις Κουέιντ
Country: Germany, United States of America
Company: Davis Entertainment, IDEA Filmproduktions, Relativity Media
Worldwide Gross: $9,808,124