The End
A quarter-century after an environmental disaster rendered Earth unlivable, a family consisting of Mother, Father, and Son resides in their luxurious underground shelter. They strive to preserve hope and normalcy by adhering to their daily routines. However, the unexpected arrival of a stranger, known as Girl, disrupts their peaceful life. As tensions escalate, their once-perfect existence begins to fall apart.
Views: 18
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Musical
Director: Joshua Oppenheimer
Actors: Bronagh Gallagher, Danielle Ryan, George MacKay, Lennie James, Michael Shannon, Moses Ingram, Tilda Swinton, Tim McInnerny
Country: Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Final Cut for Real, The Match Factory, Wild Atlantic Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $141,660