The Elephant Man
Set in Victorian London, this poignant drama follows the life of John Merrick, a man with severe physical deformities who is discovered by Dr. Frederick Treves in a freak show. As Treves brings Merrick into the hospital, he begins to uncover the intelligence and sensitivity beneath Merrick’s disfigured exterior. The film stars John Hurt in a remarkable performance as Merrick and Anthony Hopkins as Dr. Treves. Directed by David Lynch, the movie received critical acclaim and was nominated for eight Academy Awards. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Biography, Drama, History, Top250Movies
Director: David Lynch
Actors: Anne Bancroft, Anthony Hopkins, Freddie Jones, Hannah Gordon, Helen Ryan, John Gielgud, John Hurt, John Standing, Michael Elphick, Wendy Hiller
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Brooksfilms
Worldwide Gross: $26,028,672