The Dish
Set against the backdrop of the 1969 Apollo 11 moon landing, this film tells the story of a group of Australian technicians and scientists who operate a satellite dish in the small town of Parkes. Their task is crucial, as they are responsible for relaying live television footage of the historic event to the world. The film stars Sam Neill, who delivers a compelling performance as the dish’s director, Cliff Buxton. Directed by Rob Sitch, the movie combines humor and drama to highlight the challenges and triumphs of this lesser-known aspect of space exploration. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Rob Sitch
Actors: Andrew S. Gilbert, Bille Brown, Eliza Szonert, John McMartin, Kevin Harrington, Patrick Warburton, Roy Billing, Sam Neill, Tayler Kane, Tom Long
Country: Australia
Company: Dish Film Ltd., Distant Horizon, Working Dog
Worldwide Gross: $16,578,157