The Deer Hunter
Set against the backdrop of the Vietnam War, this film explores the profound impact of the conflict on a group of friends from a small industrial town in Pennsylvania. The narrative delves into their lives before, during, and after the war, highlighting themes of friendship, trauma, and survival. Featuring powerful performances by stars such as Robert De Niro, Christopher Walken, and Meryl Streep, the film is renowned for its intense and emotional storytelling. Directed by Michael Cimino, it received critical acclaim and won five Academy Awards, including Best Picture. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 15
Genre: Drama, Oscar Winners, Top250Movies, War
Director: Michael Cimino
Actors: Amy Wright, Chai Peyawan, Charan Nusvanon, Charlene Darrow, Chok Chai Mahasoke, Christopher Colombi Jr., Christopher Walken, Chuck Aspegren, Dale Burroughs, Dennis Watlington, Ding Santos, Frank Devore, George Dzundza, Helen Tomko, Jack Scardino, Jane-Colette Disko, Jiam Gongtongsmoot, Joe Dzizmba, Joe Grifasi, Joe Strnad, John Cazale, John F. Buchmelter III, John Savage, Krieng Chaiyapuk, Lynn Kongkham, Mady Kaplan, Mana Hansa, Mary Ann Haenel, Meryl Streep, Michael Wollet, Nongnuj Timruang, Ot Palapoo, Parris Hicks, Paul D'Amato, Phip Manee, Pierre Segui, Po Pao Pee, Richard Kuss, Robert Beard, Robert De Niro, Rutanya Alda, Samui Muang-Intata, Sapox Colisium, Shirley Stoler, Sombot Jumpanoi, Somsak Sengvilai, Stephen Kopestonsky, Tom Becker, Victoria Karnafel, Vitoon Winwitoon
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, EMI Films, Universal Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $49,080,126