The Companion
Set in 1980s Cuba, the film explores the lives of patients in a sanatorium for HIV-positive individuals, where they are paired with “companions” who monitor their activities. The story follows the relationship between a former boxing champion, assigned as a companion, and his rebellious patient, as they navigate personal struggles and societal expectations. Directed by Pavel Giroud, the film delves into themes of friendship, redemption, and the human spirit. Notably, the movie was Cuba’s official submission for the Best Foreign Language Film category at the 89th Academy Awards. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Pavel Giroud
Actors: Armando Miguel Gómez, Broselianda Hernández, Camila Arteche, Jazz Vilá, Yailene Sierra, Yotuel Romero
Country: Colombia, Cuba, France, Panama, Venezuela
Company: Areté Audiovisual, Igolai Producciones, Lía Rodríguez & Antonio López