The Bow
In this contemplative film by Kim Ki-duk, the story unfolds on a fishing boat where an elderly man and a young girl live in isolation. The man plans to marry the girl on her 17th birthday, but their secluded life is disrupted when a young student visits the boat, sparking a complex emotional dynamic. The narrative explores themes of love, possession, and freedom, set against a backdrop of serene yet haunting visuals. While the film did not receive major awards, it is noted for its minimal dialogue and symbolic storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Kim Ki-duk
Actors: Han Yeo-reum, Jang Dae-sung, Jeon Kuk-hwan, Jo Hyun-wu, Kim Ik-tae, Pyo Sang-woo, Seo Ji-seok, Seong-hwang Jeon, Shin Taek-gi
Country: Japan, South Korea
Company: Happinet, Happinet(I)., Kim Ki-Duk Film
Worldwide Gross: $2,032,404