The Black Demon
During what was supposed to be a peaceful family getaway, oilman Paul Sturges finds himself in a terrifying situation when a relentless megalodon shark, fiercely defending its domain, disrupts their vacation. Trapped and repeatedly assaulted by the massive predator, Paul and his family are forced to devise a plan to safely return to land before the creature launches another attack, setting the stage for a dramatic clash between mankind and the forces of nature.
Views: 37
Genre: Action, Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Director: Adrian Grunberg
Actors: Carlos Solórzano, Edgar Flores, Fernanda Urrejola, Héctor Jiménez, Jorge A. Jimenez, Josh Lucas, Julio Cedillo, Julio Cesar Cedillo, Omar Chaparro, Raúl Méndez, Venus Ariel
Country: Dominican Republic, Mexico, Slovenia, United States of America
Company: Boxo Productions, Buzzfeed Studios, Chocolatito, Diamond Films
Worldwide Gross: $3,446,755