The Big White
In this dark comedy, a travel agent in Alaska, played by Robin Williams, finds himself in financial trouble and hatches a plan to solve his problems by cashing in on a life insurance policy. However, his scheme involves a dead body, leading to a series of unexpected and humorous complications. The film also stars Holly Hunter and Woody Harrelson, adding depth to the quirky narrative. Directed by Mark Mylod, the movie explores themes of desperation and morality in a unique setting. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Mark Mylod
Actors: Alison Lohman, Billy Merasty, Giovanni Ribisi, Holly Hunter, Marina Stephenson Kerr, Ralph Alderman, Robin Williams, Tim Blake Nelson, W. Earl Brown, Woody Harrelson
Country: Canada, Germany, New Zealand, United States of America
Company: Ascendant Pictures, Capitol Films, Film & Entertainment VIP Medienfonds 2 GmbH & Co. KG
Worldwide Gross: $541,840