The Battleship Island
Set during the harrowing period of World War II, this film follows the story of Korean laborers who are forcefully taken to a Japanese island to work under brutal conditions. The narrative centers around a group of individuals who plan a daring escape from the island, highlighting themes of resilience and camaraderie. The movie features notable performances by stars such as Hwang Jung-min, So Ji-sub, and Song Joong-ki. Directed by Ryoo Seung-wan, it offers a gripping portrayal of a lesser-known historical event. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Genre: Action, Drama, History, War
Director: Ryoo Seung-wan
Actors: Hwang Jung-min, In-woo Kim, Kim In-woo, Kim Joong-hee, Kim Min-jae, Kim Su-an, Lee Jung-hyun, Lee Kyung-young, Shin Seung-hwan, So Ji-sub, Song Joong-ki
Country: South Korea
Company: Filmmaker R&K
Worldwide Gross: $46,183,383