The Bad Seed
In this psychological thriller, Rob Lowe stars as a father who begins to suspect that his seemingly perfect daughter may be hiding a dark secret. As unsettling events unfold, he is forced to confront the possibility that his child might be responsible for a series of disturbing incidents. The film explores themes of nature versus nurture and the lengths a parent will go to protect their child. Notably, Rob Lowe also directed the movie, adding a personal touch to the adaptation of the classic story. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller, TV Movie
Director: Rob Lowe
Actors: Cara Buono, Carly Bentall, Ema Mlinar, Harold Weathersbee, Luke Roessler, Marci T. House, Mckenna Grace, Nevis Unipan, Patty McCormack, Rob Lowe, Sarah Dugdale
Country: United States of America
Company: Front Street Pictures, Lifetime, Loweprofile