The Attorney
Set in the politically charged atmosphere of 1980s South Korea, this film follows the journey of a tax attorney who becomes an unlikely human rights defender. The protagonist, played by Song Kang-ho, takes on a case involving a group of students accused of being North Korean sympathizers, which challenges his principles and transforms his life. Directed by Woo-seok Yang, the movie is inspired by true events and highlights the struggle for justice against oppressive regimes. While it did not win major international awards, it was a commercial success in South Korea. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Woo-seok Yang
Actors: Jo Min-ki, Jung Won-joong, Kim Yeong-ae, Kim Young-ae, Kwak Do-won, Lee Hang-na, Lee Sung-min, Oh Dal-su, Song Kang-ho, Song Young-chang, Yeong-ae Kim, Yim Si-wan
Country: South Korea
Company: WithUs Films
Worldwide Gross: $78,547,586