The Assignment
In this gripping espionage thriller directed by Christian Duguay, Aidan Quinn stars as a naval officer who becomes embroiled in a high-stakes mission to impersonate the notorious terrorist Carlos the Jackal, played by Ben Kingsley. The film intricately weaves themes of identity and deception as the protagonist is trained by a CIA operative, portrayed by Donald Sutherland, to carry out a dangerous assignment. The narrative is taut with suspense and features strong performances from its lead actors. While the film did not receive any major awards, it remains a notable entry in the spy genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 9
Genre: Action, Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Christian Duguay
Actors: Aidan Quinn, Al Waxman, Ben Kingsley, Céline Bonnier, Claudia Ferri, Donald Sutherland, Frédéric Desager, Gabriel Marian Oseciuc, Gregory Hlady, Hryhoriy Hlady, Kliment Denchev, Liliana Głąbczyńska, Liliana Komorowska, Mitchell David Rothpan, Vlasta Vrána, Von Flores, Yonathan Gordon
Country: Canada
Company: Allegro Film Productions V, Allegro Films, Triumph Films
Worldwide Gross: $332,597