The Amazing Spider Man 2
In this 2014 superhero film, Peter Parker continues to navigate his dual life as a high school student and the web-slinging hero of New York City. As he delves deeper into his past, he encounters new adversaries, including the formidable Electro, and faces challenges that test his resolve and relationships. The film stars Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man, with Emma Stone reprising her role as Gwen Stacy. Directed by Marc Webb, the movie is known for its visually stunning action sequences and emotional depth. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 40
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Marvel, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Marc Webb
Actors: Adrian Martinez, Aidy Bryant, Andrei Runtso, Andrew Garfield, Anslem Richardson, B. J. Novak, Bill Heck, BJ Davis, Brennan Taylor, Brian McElhaney, Cal McCrystal, Campbell Scott, Charlie DePew, Chris Cooper, Clem Cheung, Colm Feore, Dane DeHaan, Daniel Gerroll, Dario Barosso, David Shabtai, David Shih, Denis Leary, Drew Beasley, Dusan Hyska, Embeth Davidtz, Emma Stone, Felicity Jones, Frank Deal, Greg Connolly , Helen Stern, J.D. Walsh, Jabari Gray, Jacob Rodier, James Colby, James McCauley, Jamie Foxx, Jamie Lynn Concepcion, Jessica Abo, Jessica Shea Alverson, Jonathan Braylock, Jorge Vega, Julia Davis, Kari Coleman, Louis Cancelmi, Mark Doherty, Martin Sheen, Marton Csokas, Matthew Tronieri, Max Charles, Michael Massee, Pat Kiernan, Paul Giamatti, Paul Urcioli, Peter Tzotchev, Rachael McOwen, Robert Newman, Sally Field, Salvatore L. Rossi, Sarah Gadon, Skyler Gisondo, Slate Holmgren, Stan Lee, Steven Hauck, Teddy Coluca, Thaddeus Phillips, Timothy Adams, Tug Coker
Country: United States of America
Company: Avi Arad Productions, Bluebush Productions, Columbia Pictures, Marvel Enterprises, Marvel Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $716,891,708