The Age of Stupid
Set in a dystopian future, this thought-provoking film follows an archivist, played by Pete Postlethwaite, who examines footage from the early 21st century to understand why humanity failed to prevent climate change. The narrative weaves together real-life stories from around the world, highlighting the consequences of inaction on environmental issues. Directed by Franny Armstrong, the film serves as a stark warning about the potential future we face. While it did not receive major awards, it sparked significant discussions on climate change. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Documentary, History, News, War
Director: Franny Armstrong
Actors: Pete Postlethwaite, Peter Postlethwaite
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Passion Pictures, Spanner Films
Worldwide Gross: $346,176