The 400 Blows
This classic French film, directed by François Truffaut, follows the life of a young Parisian boy named Antoine Doinel, played by Jean-Pierre Léaud, as he navigates the challenges of adolescence. The story delves into themes of rebellion, neglect, and the search for identity, capturing the struggles of a misunderstood youth. Notably, the film was awarded the Best Director prize at the 1959 Cannes Film Festival, marking a significant achievement in Truffaut’s career. It is considered a seminal work in the French New Wave movement. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Crime, Drama, Top250Movies
Director: François Truffaut
Actors: Albert Rémy, Allison Tolman, Bernard Abbou, Claire Maurier, Daniel Couturier, François Nocher, François Truffaut, Georges Flamant, Guy Decomble, Jean-Claude Brialy, Jean-François Bergouignan, Jean-Pierre Léaud, Jeanne Moreau, Michel Girard, Michel Lesignor, Patrick Auffay, Philippe de Broca, Pierre Repp, Renaud Fontanarosa, Richard Kanayan, Robert Beauvais, Serge Moati, Yvonne Claudie
Country: France
Company: Les Films du Carrosse, Sédif Productions
Worldwide Gross: $193,228