In this 2015 science fiction drama directed by Marc Furmie, the story unfolds around a small-town mechanic named David, played by Jai Koutrae, who experiences a life-altering event after a mysterious object crashes nearby. As David becomes increasingly obsessed with the object, he discovers its potential to change the fate of humanity, leading to a series of events that challenge his beliefs and relationships. The film explores themes of hope, sacrifice, and the unknown, set against a backdrop of a world on the brink of collapse. While it may not have garnered major awards, it offers an intriguing narrative for fans of the genre. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Marc Furmie
Actors: Bren Foster, Brendan Clearkin, Henry Nixon, Jai Koutrae, John Manning, Kendra Appleton, Steve Le Marquand, Todd Lasance, Todd Lascane, Vincent Andriano, William Emmons
Country: Australia
Company: Eclectik Vision, Storm Alley Entertainment, Storm Vision Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $101