Tenchi: The Samurai Astronomer
Set in 17th-century Japan, this film follows the life of Yasui Santetsu, a samurai who defies traditional roles by pursuing his passion for astronomy and mathematics. As he navigates the challenges of his dual identity, Santetsu’s dedication leads to significant contributions in the field of calendar reform. Directed by Yojiro Takita, the movie features a compelling performance by Junichi Okada in the lead role. While it may not have garnered major awards, it offers a fascinating glimpse into a lesser-known aspect of Japanese history. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Biography, Drama, History
Director: Yojiro Takita
Actors: Aoi Miyazaki, Junichi Okada, Kiichi Nakai, Ryuta Sato, Shota Sometani, Takashi Sasano
Country: Japan
Company: Asahi Shimbun, Chubu-nippon Broadcasting Company (CBC), East Japan Marketing & Communications Inc.
Worldwide Gross: $9,405,840