Teiichi no kuni
Set in an elite Japanese high school, this film follows the ambitious journey of a student determined to become the student council president, a position that promises influence and power. The protagonist navigates a web of alliances, rivalries, and strategic maneuvers, reflecting the intense political landscape of the school. The movie features a talented cast, including Masaki Suda, who delivers a compelling performance. Directed by Akira Nagai, the film captures the essence of youthful ambition and the complexities of leadership. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Director: Akira Nagai
Actors: Jun Shison, Kotaro Yoshida, Masaki Suda, Mei Nagano, Ryoma Takeuchi, Shotaro Mamiya, Shuhei Nomura, Yudai Chiba
Country: Japan
Company: AOI Promotion, Fuji Television Network, Fuji Television Network (Fuji TV), Shueisha
Worldwide Gross: $15,545,390