Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3
In this adventurous installment, the beloved heroes in a half shell find themselves transported back in time to 17th-century Japan, where they must navigate a world of samurai and ancient conflicts. The turtles, led by their wise sensei Splinter, embark on a mission to rescue April O’Neil, who has also been sent back in time. The film features the talents of Elias Koteas and Paige Turco, adding depth to the ensemble cast. Directed by Stuart Gillard, this movie offers a blend of action and humor that fans of the franchise have come to expect. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Stuart Gillard
Actors: Brian Tochi, Corey Feldman, David Fraser, Elias Koteas, James Murray, Jim Raposa, Mark Caso, Matt Hill, Paige Turco, Robbie Rist, Sab Shimono, Stuart Wilson, Tim Kelleher, Vivian Wu
Country: China, Hong Kong, Japan, United States of America
Company: Clearwater Holdings, GH Pictures, Golden Harvest Company, Golden Harvest Pictures (China)
Worldwide Gross: $42,273,609