Ted 2
In this comedic sequel, the foul-mouthed teddy bear, voiced by Seth MacFarlane, embarks on a legal battle to prove his personhood in order to adopt a child with his human wife, Tami-Lynn. Mark Wahlberg returns as Ted’s best friend, John, who supports him through the courtroom drama and personal challenges. The film features a blend of humor and heart, with Amanda Seyfried joining the cast as a lawyer who aids Ted in his quest. Directed by Seth MacFarlane, the movie continues to explore themes of friendship and identity. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 38
Director: Seth MacFarlane
Actors: Amanda Seyfried, Bill Smitrovich, Giovanni Ribisi, Jessica Barth, Mark Wahlberg, Michael Dorn, Morgan Freeman, Patrick Stewart, Patrick Warburton, Sam J. Jones, Seth MacFarlane
Country: United States of America
Company: Fuzzy Door Productions, Media Rights Capital (MRC), Universal Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $215,863,606