In a dystopian world where time is forbidden, a young boy named Aimé finds himself in a mysterious city governed by strict rules and an oppressive regime. As he navigates this surreal landscape, he encounters a cast of intriguing characters who challenge the status quo. The film, directed by Raoul Servais, is a visually captivating blend of live-action and animation, showcasing the director’s unique artistic vision. Notably, the movie features performances by Armin Mueller-Stahl and is available for free viewing on Soap2day.
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Genre: Adventure, Animation, Fantasy
Director: Raoul Servais
Actors: Andrew Sachs, Armin Mueller-Stahl, Cris Campion, Daniel Emilfork, Elliott Spiers, Joris Van Ransbeeck, Julien Schoenaerts, Katja Studt, Richard Kattan, Robert Lemaire
Country: Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Bibo Films, Iblis Films, Les Productions Dussart