Super Mario Bros
In this 1993 film, directed by Annabel Jankel and Rocky Morton, audiences are introduced to a unique reimagining of the beloved video game franchise. The story follows Brooklyn plumbers Mario and Luigi, played by Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo, as they embark on an adventure in a parallel universe to rescue a princess and thwart the plans of the villainous King Koopa, portrayed by Dennis Hopper. The film is notable for its ambitious special effects and set design, which create a dystopian world distinct from the original game. Despite its mixed reception, the movie has gained a cult following over the years. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 7
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Director: Annabel Jankel, Rocky Morton
Actors: Bob Hoskins, Dan Castellaneta, Dana Kaminski, Dennis Hopper, Fiona Shaw, Fisher Stevens, Gianni Russo, John Leguizamo, Lance Henriksen, Mojo Nixon, Richard Edson, Samantha Mathis
Country: France, Japan, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Allied Filmmakers, Bluebush Productions, Cinergi Pictures Entertainment, Hollywood Pictures, Lightmotive
Worldwide Gross: $20,928,292