Sunshine Barry and the Disco Worms
In this animated feature, viewers are introduced to Barry, a worm with dreams of disco stardom, who embarks on a journey to form a band and compete in a talent show. The film explores themes of ambition, friendship, and the pursuit of one’s dreams, all set against a vibrant disco backdrop. While the movie does not feature any widely recognized stars, it offers a charming and colorful experience for audiences. Directed by Thomas Borch Nielsen, this family-friendly film can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 1
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: Thomas Borch Nielsen, Tonni Zinck
Actors: Birthe Neumann, Helle Dolleris, Henning Jensen, Lars Hjortshøj, Olaf Nielsen, Peter Frödin, Peter Hesse Overgaard, Trine Dyrholm, Troels Lyby
Country: Denmark, Germany, Sweden
Company: Crone Film, Crone Film Produktion A/S, Disco Ormene
Worldwide Gross: $6,371,879