Sunset Song
Set in the early 20th century, this film follows the life of Chris Guthrie, a resilient young woman navigating the challenges of rural Scotland. As she comes of age, Chris faces personal and familial struggles against the backdrop of a rapidly changing world, marked by the onset of World War I. The film stars Agyness Deyn in a compelling performance, capturing the spirit and strength of her character. Directed by Terence Davies, the movie is a poignant exploration of love, loss, and the enduring connection to one’s land. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Director: Terence Davies
Actors: Agyness Deyn, Ann Overstall Comfort, Emily-Jane Boyle, Ewan Comes, Ken Blackburn, Kevin Guthrie, Maelly Comes, Mark Bonnar, Peter Mullan, Stuart Bowman
Country: Luxembourg, United Kingdom
Company: Hurricane Films, Iris Productions, SellOutPictures
Worldwide Gross: $1,302,482