Directed by Tom McCarthy, this gripping drama follows the investigative journalism team at The Boston Globe as they uncover a massive scandal involving child abuse within the local Catholic Archdiocese. The film features a stellar cast, including Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton, and Rachel McAdams, who deliver compelling performances as dedicated reporters. The movie received critical acclaim and won the Academy Award for Best Picture. It highlights the power of investigative journalism and the importance of holding institutions accountable. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 11
Genre: Biography, Crime, Drama, History, Oscar Winners, Top250Movies
Director: Tom McCarthy
Actors: Anthony Paolucci, Billy Crudup, Brad Borbridge, Brett Cramp, Brian Chamberlain, Brian d'Arcy James, Bruce-Robert Serafin, Daniel Ruth, Darrin Baker, David Fraser, Dennis Lynch, Don Allison, Donna Sue Jahier, Doreen Spencer, Doug Murray, Duane Murray, Edward Brickley, Eileen Padua, Elena Juatco, Elena Wohl, Forrest Weber, Gary Galone, Gene Amoroso, Jamey Sheridan, Janet Pinnick, Jeffrey Samai, Jennifer Ruth, Jimmy LeBlanc, Joe Stapleton, John Franchi, John Slattery, Krista Morin, Laurie Heineman, Laurie Murdoch, Len Cariou, Liev Schreiber, Mairtin O'Carrigan, Mark McGrinder, Mark Ruffalo, Martin Roach, Maureen Keiller, Michael Countryman, Michael Cyril Creighton, Michael Keaton, Michele Proude, Moira Driscoll, Nancy E. Carroll, Nancy Villone, Neal Huff, Neion George, Paloma Nuñez, Patty Ross, Paul Guilfoyle, Paula Barrett, Paulette Sinclair, Rachel McAdams, Richard Fitzpatrick, Richard Jenkins, Richard O'Rourke, Rob de Leeuw, Robert B. Kennedy, Robert Clarke, Shannon McDonough, Shannon Ruth, Sharon McFarlane, Siobhan Murphy, Stanley Tucci, Stefanie Drummond, Tim Progosh, Tim Whalen, Timothy Mooney, Tom Driscoll, Wendy Merry, Zarrin Darnell-Martin
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Anonymous Content, Bluebush Productions, First Look Media, Participant
Worldwide Gross: $98,690,254