Spike Island
Set in 1990, this coming-of-age film follows a group of teenage friends from Manchester who are determined to attend a legendary concert by their favorite band, The Stone Roses, on Spike Island. As they embark on their journey, they face various challenges and personal revelations that test their friendship and dreams. Directed by Mat Whitecross, the film features performances by Elliott Tittensor and Emilia Clarke. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it captures the spirit of youth and the power of music. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Mat Whitecross
Actors: Adam Long, Elliott Tittensor, Emilia Clarke, Jordan Murphy, Lesley Manville, Matthew McNulty, Nico Mirallegro, Oliver Heald, Robert James-Collier, Steve Evets
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Bankside Films, BBC Film, BBC Films, British Film Institute (BFI)
Worldwide Gross: $157,036