Spider Man 2
In this 2004 superhero film, Peter Parker struggles to balance his life as a college student and his responsibilities as a masked vigilante. As he faces personal challenges, a new threat emerges in the form of Dr. Otto Octavius, a brilliant scientist turned villain after a failed experiment. The film stars Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, and Alfred Molina, delivering compelling performances that drive the narrative. Directed by Sam Raimi, the movie is noted for its engaging action sequences and emotional depth. It won the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects, showcasing its technical prowess. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 55
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Marvel, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Sam Raimi
Actors: Aasif Mandvi, Alfred Molina, Andre M. Johnson, Anne Betancourt, Bill Calvert, Bill E. Rogers, Bill Nunn, Bonnie Somerville, Brendan Patrick Connor, Brent Briscoe, Brianna Brown, Bruce Campbell, Calvin Dean, Chloe Dykstra, Christine Estabrook, Cindy Cheung, Cliff Robertson, Dan Callahan, Dan Hicks, Daniel Dae Kim, Daniel Gillies, David Boston, Donna Murphy, Donnell Rawlings, Dylan Baker, Elizabeth Banks, Elya Baskin, Elyse Dinh, Emily Deschanel, Frank Bonsangue, Garrett Warren, Gregg Edelman, Hal Sparks, J.K. Simmons, James Franco, Joanne Baron, Joel McHale, Joey Diaz, John Landis, John Paxton, Joy Bryant, Julia Max, Kelly Connell, Kirsten Dunst, Lou Volpe, Louis Lombardi, Mageina Tovah, Marc John Jefferies, Michael Arthur, Molly Cheek, Peter Allas, Peter Cincotti, Peter McRobbie, Peyton List, Phil LaMarr, Reed Diamond, Rosemary Harris, Roshon Fegan, Scott Ross, Scott Spiegel, Spencer List, Stan Lee, Susie Park, Taylor Gilbert, Ted Raimi, Tim Storms, Timothy Jerome, Timothy Patrick Quill, Tobey Maguire, Tom Carey, Tony Campisi, Tricia Peters, Troy Metcalf, Vanessa Ferlito, Wesley Volcy, Willem Dafoe
Country: United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Columbia Pictures, Laura Ziskin Productions, Marvel Enterprises
Worldwide Gross: $784,543,400