Space Cop
Space Cop follows the adventure of a futuristic law enforcer who journeys back to our current era, where he partners with a police officer from the past who has been thawed out in the present day. This unlikely duo is tasked with thwarting a malevolent alien plot. Despite being displaced in time, these two accidental heroes must join forces to protect the world from a band of rogue extraterrestrials and the revived brain of a deranged scientist determined to bring about global annihilation.
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Genre: Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Jay Bauman, Mike Stoklasa
Actors: Bo Johnson, Chike Johnson, Dale Jackson, Deborah Clifton, Jay Bauman, Jocelyn Ridgely, Mike Stoklasa, Patton Oswalt, Rich Evans, Rick Pendzich, Tim Higgins, Zach McLain
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Red Letter Media