In the fictional town of Bell’s End, which has been plagued by a curse since its establishment in the 1700s, the story of *Soulless* unfolds. After a young woman dies in a car crash, her body mysteriously vanishes on the way to the hospital. A few days later, she is found alive behind a local hotel. News of her miraculous return reaches the Department of Defense, which had conducted a secretive and unsuccessful experiment on tissue regeneration involving the woman’s mother decades earlier. The DOD embarks on a relentless mission to capture her, while she quickly realizes that her attempt to reintegrate into the world of the living could endanger those she holds dear.
Genre: Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Jai Raja, Tony Severe
Actors: Ben Edwards, Ben Vazquez, Kelly Nicole
Country: United States of America
Company: MindSteam Films