Sorceress II: The Temptress
In this captivating horror story, Paul Stevens finds himself in an enigmatic realm filled with alluring and unusual women, under the leadership of Tara Coventry. Tara draws Paul into their peculiar world of erotic ceremonies, but unbeknownst to him, Tara and her followers are actually dark sorceresses aiming to capture his soul through their seductive antics. Can Paul uncover the malevolent trap he’s ensnared in before it’s too late?
Views: 3
Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Thriller
Director: Richard Styles
Actors: Christian Noble, Greg Wrangler, Jay Richardson, Jim Wynorski, John Henry Richardson, Julie K. Smith, Julie Strain, Katherine Ann McGregor, Michael Jay, Ross Hagen, Sandahl Bergman
Country: United States of America