So Young
Set against the backdrop of 1990s China, this coming-of-age drama follows the life of a young woman named Zheng Wei as she navigates the complexities of university life, friendship, and love. Directed by Wei Zhao, the film captures the essence of youthful dreams and the bittersweet nature of growing up. The narrative is enriched by the performances of stars like Mark Chao and Han Geng, who bring depth to their characters. This poignant exploration of nostalgia and self-discovery can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Director: Wei Zhao
Actors: Bao Bei Er, Cui Wenlu, Du Jie, Gao Ang, Han Geng, Huang Youming, Jiao Gang, Liu Yase, Maggie Jiang, Mark Chao, Mi Dan, Pan Hong, Ryan Zheng Kai, Tong Liya, Wang Jiajia, Yang Zishan, Youming Huang, Zhang Yao
Country: China
Company: Beijing Enlight Pictures, Beijing Max Times Cultural Development, Beijing Ruyi Xinxin Film Investment
Worldwide Gross: $114,926,694