Smiley Face Killers
In this chilling thriller directed by Tim Hunter, a college student named Jake Graham finds himself plagued by a series of unsettling events and a growing sense of paranoia. As he struggles to maintain his sanity, he becomes convinced that he is being stalked by a mysterious group of individuals. The film stars Ronen Rubinstein and Crispin Glover, who deliver compelling performances that heighten the tension throughout. While the movie has not received any notable awards, it offers a gripping narrative that keeps viewers on edge. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Tim Hunter
Actors: Amadeus Serafini, Ashley Rickards, Cody Simpson, Crispin Glover, Daniel Covin, Garrett Coffey, Gianna DiDonato, Mia Serafino, Rachel Crowl, Ronen Rubinstein
Country: United States of America
Company: Grindstone Entertainment Group
Worldwide Gross: $11,944