Smart People
In this 2008 film directed by Noam Murro, the story revolves around a widowed, self-absorbed English professor whose life takes an unexpected turn after a minor accident. The professor, played by Dennis Quaid, is forced to rely on his adopted brother, portrayed by Thomas Haden Church, for help, leading to a series of humorous and poignant events. The film also stars Sarah Jessica Parker as a former student who re-enters the professor’s life, and Ellen Page as his overachieving daughter. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it offers a thoughtful exploration of family dynamics and personal growth. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Noam Murro
Actors: Ashton Holmes, Barret Hackney, Camille Mana, Christine Lahti, David Denman, Dennis Quaid, Elliot Page, Jane Mowder, Sarah Jessica Parker, Thomas Haden Church
Country: United States of America
Company: Groundswell Productions, Miramax, Sherazade Film Development
Worldwide Gross: $11,843,604