In this lighthearted teen comedy directed by Joe Nussbaum, a group of friends embarks on an adventurous night during a sleepover that turns into an unexpected quest. The film features a young Alexa Vega, who leads the cast as the protagonist navigating the challenges of adolescence and friendship. As the night unfolds, the group finds themselves in a series of comedic and thrilling situations, testing their wits and camaraderie. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it remains a nostalgic piece for fans of early 2000s teen films. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Family, Romance
Director: Joe Nussbaum
Actors: Alexa PenaVega, Brie Larson, Douglas Smith, Jane Lynch, Jeff Garlin, Mika Boorem, Sam Huntington, Sara Paxton, Scout Taylor-Compton, Steve Carell, Мика Бурем
Country: United States of America
Company: Landscape Entertainment, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), Weinstock Productions
Worldwide Gross: $10,143,022