Set against the backdrop of World War II, this film follows a solitary prospector who discovers gold in the Finnish Lapland. As he attempts to transport his treasure to the nearest town, he encounters a group of retreating Nazi soldiers who become determined to seize his fortune. The movie is directed by Jalmari Helander and features a gripping performance by Jorma Tommila. Known for its intense action sequences and stunning cinematography, it offers a unique blend of historical drama and thrilling adventure. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 124
Genre: Action, Adventure, Featured movies, Horror, War, Western
Director: Jalmari Helander
Actors: Aksel Hennie, Arttu Kapulainen, Elina Saarela, Ilkka Koivula, Jack Doolan, Jorma Tommila, Max Ovaska, Mimosa Willamo, Onni Tommila, Tatu Sinisalo, Vincent Willestrand, Wilhelm Enckell
Country: Finland, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Good Chaos, Stage 6 Films, Subzero Film Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $14,281,199