Silent House
In this gripping thriller, a young woman named Sarah, played by Elizabeth Olsen, finds herself trapped in a secluded and seemingly haunted house. As she navigates the dark and eerie environment, she uncovers unsettling secrets that blur the line between reality and illusion. The film is notable for its unique presentation, appearing to be shot in a single continuous take, which adds to the tension and immersive experience. Directed by Chris Kentis, this movie offers a chilling exploration of fear and memory. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Chris Kentis, Laura Lau
Actors: Adam Barnett, Adam Trese, Elizabeth Olsen, Eric Sheffer Stevens, Haley Murphy, Julia Chan, Sergey Ershov
Country: France, United States of America
Company: Elle Driver, Tazora Films
Worldwide Gross: $16,527,747