In a gripping thriller reminiscent of LEMON TREE and the works of JOHN LE CARRÉ, the story unfolds in Germany, centering on Mona, a Lebanese woman played by Golshifteh Farahani, and Naomi, an Israeli Mossad operative portrayed by Neta Riskin. Naomi is tasked with safeguarding their informant while she recovers from plastic surgery meant to establish her new identity. The two women find themselves confined to a quiet apartment in Hamburg for a fortnight—a supposed sanctuary. However, the tranquility is deceptive, as the two weeks spiral into chaos, forcing them to seek refuge elsewhere. As Mona and Naomi’s relationship deepens, it becomes vulnerable to the looming threat of global terror. In this intricate web of deceit, their convictions are challenged, and they are compelled to make decisions beyond their control. Yet, their destinies take an unexpected twist in this tension-filled, sophisticated neo-noir tale.
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Director: Eran Riklis
Actors: Dagmar von Kurmin, David A. Hamade, Doraid Liddawi, Golshifteh Farahani, Haluk Bilginer, Lior Ashkenazi, Mark Waschke, Neta Riskin, Ronald Kukulies, Yehuda Almagor
Country: France, Germany, Israel
Company: Beta Cinema, Heimatfilm, Riva Filmproduktion
Worldwide Gross: $134,632