Based on Pamela Redmond Satran’s novel, “Younger” tells the story of Liza, a 40-year-old mother who finds herself single and eager to re-enter the workforce. However, she quickly discovers that starting from scratch at her age is a daunting task. A chance meeting with a young man at a bar leads her to believe she can pass for someone much younger. With a makeover from her best friend Maggie, Liza decides to pose as a 26-year-old. This newfound confidence helps her secure a job as an assistant to the demanding Diana, and she forms a partnership with her young colleague Kelsey to pursue her dream career. The challenge now is to keep her true age a secret, known only to her and Maggie.
TV Status: Ended
21minRelease: 2015
IMDb: 7.8
TMDb: 6.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 97%
Country: United States of America
Networks: TV LandParamount+
Starring: Debi Mazar, Hilary Duff, Molly Bernard, Nico Tortorella, Peter Hermann, Sutton Foster