“UnREAL” is a series centered around a popular dating competition show, where the story follows Rachel, a young staff member tasked with orchestrating interactions among the contestants. Her goal is to capture the sensational and dramatic moments that the show’s indifferent executive producer insists on. The series offers a comedic yet troubling exploration of the behind-the-scenes chaos in the realm of reality TV, highlighting the cutthroat nature of being a contestant and the complex reality of producing such shows.
Views: 6
Director: Marti Noxon, Sarah Gertrude Shapiro
Studio: A+E Studios, Wieden+Kennedy Entertainment
Creators: Marti Noxon, Sarah Gertrude Shapiro
TV Status: Canceled
43minRelease: 2015
IMDb: 7.7
TMDb: 6.7
Rotten Tomatoes: 80%
Country: United States of America
Networks: LifetimeHulu
Starring: Adam Demos, Alejandro Muñoz, Brennan Elliott, Constance Zimmer, Craig Bierko, François Arnaud, Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman, Meagan Holder, Natalie Hall, Shiri Appleby