The Proud Family
“The Proud Family” chronicles the journey of Penny, a 14-year-old African American girl, as she tries to make her way through the challenges of early adolescence. Each of Penny’s experiences quickly escalates into larger-than-life scenarios brimming with humor, chaos, and warmth. Her efforts to juggle her responsibilities at home, school, and with friends are made more complex by her spirited friend Dijonay, her rival LaCienega Boulevardez, her caring yet somewhat overbearing parents, and her trendy grandmother, Suga Mama.
Views: 11
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family, Kids
Director: Bruce W. Smith
Studio: Disney Branded Television, Jambalaya Studio, Walt Disney Television
Creators: Bruce W. Smith, Doreen Spicer
TV Status: Ended
22minRelease: 2001
IMDb: 6.5
TMDb: 7.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 41%
Country: United States of America
Networks: Disney Channel
Starring: Alisa Reyes, Carlos Mencia, Jo Marie Payton, Karen Malina White, Kyla Pratt, Kyla Pratt Kirkpatrick, Orlando Brown, Paula Jai Parker, Soleil Moon Frye, Tara Strong, Tommy Davidson