The O.C.
The series follows Ryan Atwood, a troubled teen from a dysfunctional family, who is taken in by the affluent and charitable Sandy and Kirsten Cohen. Alongside his adoptive brother Seth, an awkward but sharp-witted teen, Ryan navigates life as an outsider in the affluent society of Newport Beach. Together, they explore their relationships with the girl-next-door Marissa Cooper, Seth’s longtime crush Summer Roberts, and the outspoken loner Taylor Townsend. The narrative explores the cultural clash between the idealistic Cohen family and the superficial, materialistic, and narrow-minded community they inhabit. The series blends elements of postmodernism, combining melodrama with comedy.
Views: 43
Genre: Drama
Director: Josh Schwartz
Studio: Fake Empire Productions, Warner Bros. Television, Wonderland Sound and Vision
Creators: Josh Schwartz
TV Status: Ended
42minRelease: 2003
IMDb: 7.6
TMDb: 7.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 68%
Country: United States of America
Networks: FOX
Starring: Adam Brody, Autumn Reeser, Ben McKenzie, Kelly Rowan, Melinda Clarke, Peter Gallagher, Rachel Bilson, Willa Holland