The Endgame
In this gripping thriller, we follow the story of Elena Federova, a newly apprehended global arms trafficker and genius criminal strategist. Despite being behind bars, she manages to execute a series of meticulously planned bank robberies. Opposing her is Val Turner, a determined and morally upright FBI agent, who is socially isolated but unwavering in her mission to thwart Elena’s audacious scheme.
Views: 1
Director: Jake Coburn, Nicholas Wootton
Studio: Inc., Jake Coburn Productions, My So-Called Company, Nicholas Wootton Productions, Perfect Storm Entertainment, Universal Television
Creators: Jake Coburn, Nicholas Wootton
TV Status: Canceled
43minRelease: 2022
IMDb: 6.9
TMDb: 7.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 33%
Networks: NBC
Starring: Costa Ronin, Jordan Johnson-Hinds, Kamal Angelo Bolden, Mark D. Espinoza, Morena Baccarin, Noah Bean, Ryan Michelle Bathe