In this fresh game show, Greg Davies takes on the role of the Taskmaster, accompanied by his faithful assistant Alex Horne. Together, they challenge the cleverness, humor, intelligence, and abilities of five fiercely competitive comedians. Who among them will emerge as the Taskmaster champion?
Views: 10
Director: Alex Horne
Studio: Avalon Television
Creators: Alex Horne, Andy Devonshire, Peter Orton
TV Status: Returning Series
45minRelease: 2015
IMDb: 9
TMDb: 8.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 95%
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: Channel 4Dave, Channel 4U&Dave
Starring: Alex Horne, Andy Zaltzman, Babatunde Aléshé, Emma Sidi, Frankie Boyle, Greg Davies, Ivo Graham, Jack Dee, Jenny Eclair, Joanne McNally, John Robins, Julian Clary, Kiell Smith-Bynoe, Lucy Beaumont, Mae Martin, Nick Mohammed, Rosie Jones, Sam Campbell, Sophie Willan, Steve Pemberton, Sue Perkins, Susan Wokoma