An investigative journalist and his old mentor team up to unravel enigmas on a Spanish island. After being framed by his dishonest newspaper editor, Woody finds himself fleeing from British law enforcement. He seeks refuge with the only person he trusts, his former mentor Brutus, who now leads a peaceful life as a bar owner on a Spanish island. Initially, Brutus is not pleased to see Woody, but he soon realizes he can benefit from his former pupil’s knack for getting into trouble. Woody embarks on a series of inquiries on the island, outsmarting the locals with his remarkable talent for quickly assuming different identities.
Genre: Comedy
Director: Charlie Skelton, Neil Webster
Studio: Happy Tramp Productions
Creators: Ben Palmer, Charlie Skelton
TV Status: Ended
30minRelease: 2015
IMDb: 5.6
TMDb: 6.2
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: BBC One
Starring: Alan Williams, Bea Segura, Bradley Walsh, Emma Pierson, Jamie Demetriou, Kayvan Novak, Keith Allen