Set against the backdrop of Italy’s Adriatic Coast during the summer, this contemporary romance unfolds. Ale and Summer, hailing from vastly different backgrounds, are drawn to each other by an irresistible connection. This vacation becomes a memorable adventure for both, transforming them from the people they were before their paths crossed.
Views: 1
Director: Anita Rivaroli, Mirko Cetrangolo
Studio: Cattleya
Creators: Anita Rivaroli, Mirko Cetrangolo
TV Status: Ended
40minRelease: 2020
IMDb: 6.1
TMDb: 6.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 85%
Networks: Netflix
Starring: Alberto Boubakar Malanchino, Alicia Ann Edogamhe, Amanda Campana, Andrea Butera, Andrea Lattanzi, Coco Rebecca Edogamhe, Giovanni Maini, Lucrezia Guidone, Ludovico Tersigni, Maria Sole Mansutti, Mario Sgueglia, Romina Colbasso, Thony