Resident Alien
An extraterrestrial named Harry crash-lands on Earth and assumes the persona of a doctor in a quaint Colorado town. Initially, he leads a straightforward existence while secretly pursuing a hidden agenda. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he is drawn into investigating a local homicide, compelling him to integrate into human society. As he navigates this new world, Harry grapples with the ethical challenges of his mission and ponders profound existential questions, such as whether humanity is worth preserving and the curious habit of folding pizza before consumption.
TV Status: Returning Series
45minRelease: 2021
IMDb: 8.1
TMDb: 7.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 97%
Networks: Syfy
Starring: Alan Tudyk, Alice Wetterlund, Corey Reynolds, Elizabeth Bowen, Judah Prehn, Levi Fiehler, Meredith Garretson, Sara Tomko