Our Zoo
“Our Zoo” tells the tale of George, a man disheartened by his experiences in the Great War and the challenges of living with his large family. Yearning to add more beauty to the world, he stumbles upon a camel and a monkey on the brink of being left behind. This encounter inspires him to pursue the ambitious idea of establishing a zoo.
Director: Matt Charman
Studio: BBC, Big Talk Productions, Big Talk Studios
Creators: Andy De Emmony, Matt Charman, Robert McKillop
TV Status: Canceled
1hRelease: 2014
IMDb: 8.1
TMDb: 8.1
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: BBC One
Starring: Amelia Clarkson, Anne Reid, Honor Kneafsey, Lee Ingleby, Liz White, Peter Wight, Ralf Little, Sophia Myles, Stephen Campbell Moore, Tom Hardman