Mr. Bean: The Animated Series
Mr. Bean is an animated TV show created by Varga Studio, inspired by the British live-action series of the same name. The show features characters from the original, such as Mr. Bean, Irma Gobb, Teddy, and the enigmatic driver of the Reliant Supervan, along with new characters like Mrs. Wicket, Bean’s landlady, and her mischievous cat, Scrapper.
The series continues the tradition of minimal dialogue, relying mostly on sound effects, mumbling, and mild slapstick humor, with occasional suggestive content. Rowan Atkinson lends his voice to Mr. Bean, and his physical performances are the basis for the animated character’s actions. Other voices are provided by Jon Glover, Rupert Degas, Gary Martin, Sally Grace, and Lorelei King.
Although the show is officially titled Mr. Bean, some networks add a subtitle to differentiate it from the original live-action series. For instance, Disney Channel Asia labels it “Mr. Bean – The Animated Series” and refers to the live-action version as “Mr. Bean – Live Action Series” in their programming. In Germany, the show is broadcast on Super RTL as “Mr. Bean – Die Cartoon-Serie.”
Views: 5
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family, Kids
Director: Richard Curtis, Rowan Atkinson
Studio: Richard Purdum Productions, Sunwoo Entertainment, Tiger Aspect, Tiger Aspect Productions, Varga Holdings
Creators: Bob Boyle
TV Status: Ended
11minRelease: 2002
IMDb: 6.9
TMDb: 6.8
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: ITV1CITV
Starring: Matilda Ziegler, Rowan Atkinson, Sally Grace