The narrative follows Espen, a man in his thirties who is adored by all. His life is a constant celebration, filled with limitless adventures. We encounter Espen in numerous scenarios where everything seems perfect, and he always knows how to manage any situation. It all appears too perfect to be real. Espen has retreated into his mind, creating a fantastical world where his life is extraordinary. In reality, he is a patient in a psychiatric hospital. If you were in Espen’s shoes, would you opt to be a hero in a fantasy or a failure in everyday life?
Director: Espen Lervaag, Håkon Bast Mossige
Studio: Rubicon TV
Creators: Kjetil Indregard, Ole Marius Araldsen
Starring: Arif Salum, Espen Lervaag, Håkon Bast Mossige, Ingeborg Raustøl, Mats Mogeland